A selection of reports and guides commissioned or made available to Coolum and North Shore Coast Care
Rocky shores are vital features in many parts of the world. They provide crucial resources and recreational opportunities for human populations. Within our landscape, they play a vital role as wave barriers on open, wave-exposed shorelines and act as anchoring points in the dynamics of soft shores and beaches. These ecosystems are a result of complex interactions between diverse organisms, supporting multiple food chains and the complexity of ecological processes which result in an array of habitats.
This report provides a qualitative assessment of the data set collected from the 2010-2011 survey and provides a brief comparison of the presence or absence of littoral species in the 1999-2000 and 2010-2011 data sets.
By C.J. Crossland for Coolum District Coast Care Group Inc.
Queensland’s coast has some of the most important marine turtle nesting sites in the world. Six species of threatened marine turtles nest along our idyllic beaches. These rookeries support significant nesting populations of green, loggerhead, hawksbill, flatback and olive ridley turtles.
This field guide has been developed as part of the Nest to Ocean Turtle Protection Program. Correctly identifying marine turtles, and the animals that prey on their nests, provides valuable information about turtle populations and shows where predator control activities are most needed.
Prepared by:
Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service,
Department of Environment and Science.
© State of Queensland, 2021.
This report outlines the 2021 audit findings of the nest box program for Coolum and North Shore Coast Care (CNSCC). Currently, CNSCC have nest boxes installed at five locations from Stumers to Mudjimba, with the goal to identify and research wildlife habitats and contribute to the ongoing management of native wildlife in this coastal area.
Report prepared by:
Carolyn Ferguson - BEnvMan, DipT(Sec)
This report outlines the 2011 audit findings of the nest box program for Coolum and North Shore Coast Care (CNSCC).